Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Death of a Legend, Breaking News.

The article written by Robert Niles, is talking about the online community and how journalists should have more competence in looking for news. He reports that the death of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, was first reported in a gossip website called, which usually have no base on facts and is just a gossip website.

However, TMZ was the first to publish the news about the death which created shockwaves to the internet community. While other more credible news websites took more than hours to confirm the story, they had to give credit to TMZ for the news. For instance, everyone started to search for news relating to the dead pop star, or watch his videos on YouTube, or paying tribute to the pop star.

What is Twitter ( 2009)


(source: )

1) Twitter is micro blogging

070207_twitter-com (source:

Twitter is micro blogging where the person can just type in a quick update with a limited number of words and express themselves without having to spend hours writing for a blog post.

2) Twitter is social messaging

where ‘Twitters’ as the call themselves can have followers of follower other twitter and use it as a tool to coordinate events and many more.

3) Twitter is New Reporting

ryan-seacrest-tweets (source:

Reporting the news has become faster and easier and allows people to be updated faster as well. Take for example the death of Michael Jackson, according to Bates 2009, the death of the pop star literally shut down Twitter because of the amount of tweets that was related to the singer was too overwhelming.


The graph shows the jump in Twitter messages for the dead pop start which went up to as high as 22.61% of the whole tweets dedicated to the pop star.

4) Twitter is social media marketing

Where anyone can market themselves and get their ‘stories’ out there. For example, the U.S president Barack Obama using this as a tool for his then campaign to attract mass audiences.

In my opinion, the gaining popularity of websites such as Twitter, Facebook, blogs and so on, it allows for personalization in the sense that the website can be anything that you want, how you want it, and information is filtered to your own preferences (MacManus 2009). It is clear to me that the time of the traditional way of journalism is going to change, in this new age where more people are getting technology savvy, it is best that we keep up to date with the issues in order to stand out from the rest.


Bates, C 2009, How Michael Jackson’s Death Shut Down Twitter, Brought chaos to Google… and ‘Killed Off’ Jeff Goldblum, online, retrieved 18th November 2009, from

MacManus, R 2009, Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Personalization, online, retrieved 18th November 2009, from

Nations, D 2009, What is Twitter, online, retrieved 18th November 2009, from

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