Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Blogging Revolution = Freedom??

Blogging as many people know it is really a part of most of peoples live nowadays. almost everyone or anyone who has access to the internet would know the meaning of a blog and what is a blogger.

Different authors of blogs have different ideas and different postings about anything they have in mind at that time. However people believe that blogs are actually a place where they can have freedom to say and do anything that they want.

In the article about “The Blogging Revolution” book, it is talking about a radio interview between the radio DJ and the author of the book about how blogging has seen people gain more freedom in expression and speech.

Other than that, the article is also talking about how blogging has changed for six countries, Iran, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt and China.

Below is a video about Iran and freedom of expression.


I would base my opinion solely on the country of Iran. Iran is totalitarian country, where in the beginning years of the introduction of the internet, its information was open to all. However, when the government realised that it could be a threat to their system, they decided to block the free circulation of data and filter the internet (Jadi 2009).

Blogging and the internet in Iran have helped many of its people to express many of their thoughts and give an insight on the happenings in their country, good or bad.

In my opinion, blogging is really just a place for expression of the person. When someone is being oppressed, the possibility that they will want to rebel against the oppression. There are pros and cons regarding these sort of actions however, because there are no indefinite rules about the internet, there is really nothing much anybody can do about how people want to express themselves.

But in a country like Iran, the government would want to restrict its internet users because they want to limit the freedom of speech in the country to hide their hidden secrets to other countries (Etling 2009).


Jadi 2009, ‘Q/A of Blog Entry’, 30th October 2009, Inside Iran, online, retrieved 18th November 2009, from

Etling, B 2009, Iran Moves to Enforce Cyber Laws, online, retrieved 18th November 2009, from

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