Monday, November 16, 2009

The Blogging Phenomenon (1)

Blogs, as the current Phenomenon

According to Branum (2001), the term ‘weblog’ describes a personal website which offers frequently updated postings which are generally chronologically organized. What makes a weblog such a phenomenon is that it represents an online intersection of people and time. (Branum 2001).

However, to most of the younger generation, having a weblog would most probably be an outlet for them to express themselves and their feelings, and at the same time, make it into a profit making blog.

Example of personal blogging that is profit making from Malaysia:

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The benefits of blogging however, is that it is easy to set up and does not cost a lot, it can put a human face on the project of the author’s choice of the blog, we have a choice to allow the public to comment on blog posts to get the community involved, and it is also an excellent way to create a community and keep them up to date, and test new ideas (Nine Benefits of Blogging 2009).




While the benefits to the community is that when there is a community, they will be able to come back time and again, leave insightful comments, inspire the author to write more , share ideas, share your ideas with others as well as recommend you to their community (Kristi 2009). This will help your blog grow in size.


Branum, JM 2001, The Blogging Phenomenon: An Overview and Theoretical Consideration, online, retrieved 16th November 2009, from

Nine Benefits of Blogging 2009 online, retrieved 16th November 2009, from

Kristi 2009, Benefits of Blogging- Building a Community, online, retrieved 16th November 2009, from



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